BannerWeb Faculty Self Service Reference Guide
What is my username and password for BannerWeb?
Your username will be the first part of your University Employee email address before "@", and your password will be the same as signing into a computer on campus. If you have not logged into a computer on campus or have not changed your password, it will be your Employee ID number.
Why are some links still going to the "Old BannerWeb"?
University of Dallas' ERP provider is Ellucian. Ellucian is in the process of releasing new functionality and interfaces in incremental releases throughout the year. As new functionality or interfaces become available, University of Dallas' Information System team will be updating BannerWeb-Faculty pages.
How do I view my Class Roster?
Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-Faculty
Enter your single sign on credentials
Click the "Detail Schedule & Course Maintenance" tile
Select the Term and CRN
Under Roster, click the "Classlist" link
Click in the course row (not on the course name or CRN)
The class roster will show at the bottom of the page
How do I email my Class Roster?
Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-Faculty
Enter your single sign on credentials
Click the "Detail Schedule & Course Maintenance" tile
Select the Term and CRN
Under Roster, click the "Classlist" link. If the class is not auto-selected, you will
need to select it from the list of all of your classes. You can utilize the term filter
to view classes from a specific term.
Click in the course row (not on the course name or CRN). You can also filter by term
on this screen.
Click the email icon on the right side, which will open your computer's default email
program. (Note: Students must have a preferred email address selected.)
You may also get additional information on each student by hovering your mouse over
the student's name. The student's full profile will be opened in a new window if you
click on the student's name.
How do I download or print my Class Roster?
Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-Faculty
Enter your single sign on credentials
Click the "Detail Schedule & Course Maintenance" tile
Select the Term and CRN
Under Roster, click the "Classlist" link
Click in the course row (not on the course name or CRN)
Click "Export" in the top-right to export the roster to an excel file or click "Print"
to print the class roster (or save as a PDF in the print prompt)
How do I know which student is Auditing a class?
Click the "Detail Schedule & Course Maintenance" tile
Select the Term and CRN
Under Roster, click the "Classlist" link
Click in the course row (not on the course name or CRN)
The student's registration status will show in the roster at the bottom of the page
How do I view the list of classes I will be teaching this semester? How do I see the course information?
Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-Faculty
Enter your single sign on credentials
Click the "Detail Schedule & Course Maintenance" tile
Select a term from the Term dropdown
Select a course from the CRN dropdown (these are the classes you are teaching in the
selected semester)
Once the course is selected, its information will be displayed below, including basic
course information, meeting dates & times, and enrollment counts
There are two instructors assigned to a class, which one is the Primary instructor?
When viewing the Faculty Detail Schedule, within the the Instructors column there will be a instructor name with a (P). The (P) indicates primary instructor. When sections are created in Administrative Banner within SSASECT, the system requires a Primary Instructor with a indicator before a section of the class can be created.
Why is a student's email address missing?
Students have the ability to update their contact information within BannerWeb-Student. If a student turns off the display on web functionality for their email address within BannerWeb-Student, the email address will not be displayed.
How can I search for a student within BannerWeb-Faculty?
Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-Faculty
Enter your single sign on credentials
Click the "Student Advising" tile
Select a term code from the drop down
Select search method (ID Number, Email, or Name)
Search using the selected method in the search field
Click "View Profile"
Entering Mid-Term Grades
Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-Faculty
Enter your single sign on credentials
Click the "Grade Entry" tile
Click the Mid-Term Grades option along the top
Select the grade from the dropdown by each student
Click Save
Please Note: If the grade shows as rolled (indicating the grade has been rolled to
the student's record), you will need to contact the registrar's office to make any
Entering Final Grades
Open your web browser and go to BannerWeb-Faculty
Enter your single sign on credentials
Click the "Grade Entry" tile
Click the Final Grades option along the top
Search term (i.e. Fall 2021)
Select Course
Select the grade from the dropdown by each student
Click Save
Please Note: If the grade shows as rolled (indicating the grade has been rolled to the student's record), you will need to contact the registrar's office to make any changes
Why do some students have a automatic final grade within my class?
A student may already have a final grade based upon their registration status. This
is due to Administrative Banner configuration. It is important to note that if you
are able to update a auto grade you will need to inform the Office of the Registrar.
Auto grade should be locked before final grades can be entered. The following is an
explanation on how a registration status has a auto grade:
Registration Status | Grade Code |
Audit | AD |
Administrative Withdraw | W |
Withdraw | W |
Medical Withdraw | MW |
Withdraw Audit | WA |
What is the Student Advising Profile?
The Student Advising Profile is new baseline Banner functionality designed to support advisors. The new functionality allows for new advisee listings, and consolidates a wealth of information on a single page for the advisors. If you are a current advisor you should have access. The Student Profile page is used to view detailed information about a specific student. This page displays the following types of information:
- Student Summary Information
- Bio Information
- General Information
- Graduation Information
- Advisors Information
- Primary & Secondary Curriculum
- Hours and GPA
- Registered Courses
- Prior Education & Testing
- Links to additional student information
How do I access the Student Advising Profile?
If you a current and active advisor, you will be able to access through BannerWeb-Faculty Link.
Access BannerWeb-Faculty using your log in credentials
Click on Faculty Services Tab
Click on Student Information Menu
Click the "New Student Advising Profile" link
Once you have clicked this link you will be redirected to the Advising Student Profile
Search for Advisee by Student ID
Select the term within the term drop down for which you would like to search for an
Select the Student ID option radio button.
Enter the Student’s ID.
When a match is found, click the View Profile button
Note: When no match is found, a red message is displayed in the notification center of “No Match Found”.
Search for Advisee by Student Email Address
Select the term within the term drop down for which you would like to search for an
Select the Student Email option radio button
Enter the student’s email address
Note: You must enter the complete email address for the search, up to 128 characters.
The email address can also be copied and pasted into the search field.
When a match is found, click the View Profile button
Note: When no match is found, a red message is displayed in the notification center
of “No Match Found”.
Search for Advisee by Name
Select the term within the term drop down for which you would like to search for an
Select the Student Name option radio button
Enter the student’s name using the Last Name, First Name Middle Name format
Note: When using this name format, at least the first three characters of the last
name must be entered before a name search will take place.
Once a match has been found you will be able to select the students name in the drop-down
Note: When searching by name, if the student you need is not returned in the selected
term, scroll down to the My Student is Not Listed” option at the bottom of the list.
Click “My Student is Not Listed” to perform a search for a student across all terms.
If your search returns a valid result, after selecting the student, the most recent
effective term record for that student will be displayed. This allows you to easily
find the student by selecting their effective term.
Click the View Profile Button
Note: When a student is deceased and the advisor searches by student ID or email,
a message is displayed that information is not available and to contact the student
records office. When searching by Name, if a student is deceased, no results are returned.
View all Advisees Assigned to an Advisor
Select the term within the term drop down for which you would like to search for an
Click View My Advisee Listing
You will be redirected to the Advisee Listing Page
Note: The Advisee Listing page provides a list of all student with whom you have an active advising relationship for the given term. This relationship is based upon advisor assignments within Admin Banner (Multiple Advisors Page – SGAADVR). You are able to sort, filter, and/or download the list of advisees, email advisees, or access an individual students’ profile from the Advisee Listing page.
In the event you do not see a specific advisee please contact the Office of the Registrar.
Email: registrar@391774.com
What is the Advisee Listing Page?
The Advisee Listing Page shows all advisee for the specific term. The Header Row has the following data elements:
Name & ID – Last Name first Name and ID of Student.
Note: Confidential Indicator (lock symbol) is displayed when the student’s information
is set as a confidential on the General Person Page.
Program – Program of the curriculum for the selected term.
Primary Major – Highest priority major associated with the primary learner curriculum
for the selected term.
Academic Standing – Academic standing is the standing as of the most recent term that
is less than or equal to the selected term.
Student Status – Student status record in the general student record.
Student Type – Student type in effect for the term selected.
Advisor Holds – Check mark is used to indicate whether an advisor hold can be released
for the advisee.
Primary Advisor – Check mark is used to indicate whether you are the student’s primary
Advisor Type – Advisor type assigned to the advisor for the student.
Campus – Campus associated with the primary learner curriculum for the selected term.
Student Level - Student level associated with the primary learner curriculum for the
selected term
Admit Type – Admission type by which the student was admitted to the primary learner
curriculum for the selected term.
Admit Term – Term in which the student was admitted to the primary learner curriculum.
Catalog Term – Catalog term assigned to the student for the primary learner curriculum
for the selected term.
Minor – Minor associated with the current active primary learner curriculum for the
selected term.
Concentration – Highest priority concentration attached to the primary major for the
primary learner curriculum for the selected term.
College – College associated with the primary learner curriculum for the selected
Filtering Results
Within the Advisee Listing page, you are able to filter in the event you have many advisees. You can filter data on the advisee listing. Each column has a list of defined operators displayed in the Operator field. Use the Delete (-) button or the Clear All button to remove added columns from the filter and the Go button to view the results of the filter.
The filter results display the number of records found and the columns used in the filter. A Column Name X button is displayed for each field included in the filter. You can remove each column, one at a time, and the filtered results are revised for the remaining filters. Use the Remove Filter button to view the original unfiltered results. The filter drop-down (triangle) icon is used to display your filter settings so you can review what you selected for your recent filter and modify your choices.
When a filter is in use, it remains active for the session until it is removed, the term is changed, or the user logs out. Any changes to column order and value sorting also remain in effect for the filter. If you go from the Filter Results to the Student Profile page and come back to the Advisee Listing page, the filter remains active.
Emailing Advisees from the Advisee Listing Page
Please note, you may encounter a issue when attempting to use the Email All button from the Advisee Listing Page. You will need to first configure your University of Dallas issued device with the following steps.
From your University of Dallas issued device press the Windows Key
Within the search type Default Apps and select
Scroll down to "Choose default apps by protocol" link
In the results window, scroll down to find MAILTO
To the right of the MAILTO is the default app which is defined, if the default app
is Google Chrome, this will not work
Click on the default app, this will bring up a selection window
Select Outlook or Mail
Now when accessing the Advisee Listing Page and clicking Email All it will open the
selected application and automatically enter all advisee email addresses in the BCC
row of the email.
In the event you need additional help troubleshooting please enter a ticket at support@391774.com
Am I able to Export a List of my Advisees?
Advisors have the ability to export their list of Advisee by selected term in a spreadsheet.
Select the term within the term drop down for which you would like to search for an
Click view My Advisee Listing
Go to the Tools menu (gear button in the top right corner) and select Export Advisee
In the Export Advisee Listing window, select the export option
Click Export
When prompted, open or save the Excel file to view the results
Click OK
View the spreadsheet
Note: The file is automatically named based on the term used for the advisee listing. Rename the file if you choose. When multiple export spreadsheets are created, you can view the files in your Download list. Also, when filters are used, only the filtered list is exported.
How do I view an Advisee's Profile?
Select the term for which you would like to view all assigned advisees
Click View My Advisees Listing
Click the View Profile under the Name and ID field to access the Student Profile Page
for a specific Advisee
The information within the Student Profile Page includes:
Student Name & ID
Basic biographic and demographic information
General Student Information
Graduation Application
Advisor details
Primary and Secondary Program Information
Overall Earned Hours and GPA
Registered Courses for the Term
Prior Education and Testing
Holds Summary
Registration Notices
Note: This is a summary display of information about items that could impact the student
ability to register for the term.
Additional Links configured to access other data elements within BannerWeb for the
Note: The student will have an additional link section that will be configured differently
for based upon their role at University of Dallas.
How do I enter a Note within the Student Advising Profile?
Access the Student Profile Page
Select the Notes Tab
Click on the +New button to open the note editor window
Select a Note Category
Select a Note Contact Type
Select one or the enabled roles indicators to designate who can view the note.
Note: The Advisors check box is selected and enabled by default for a new note. If only the advisor note is checked only advisors can view the notes. Student’s will not be able to see advisor notes unless the advisor checks the Student check box to allow the student to view.
Click the Post button to add/save the note or press the Cancel button to exit from the note editor window.
How do I Review Prior Notes?
Access the Student Profile Page
Select the Notes Tab
Note: The number of existing notes is displayed on the tab
Select a sort option to display notes by dates, author, or category
Note: The default sort is by dates, which is the date the note was created
Expand the note summary to view the complete note text and display the Viewable by options.
What are Registration Notices?
Used by the Advisor or Student to view registration notices for the student for the selected term. Registration notices include messages about academic standing and any status that affects the student’s ability to register. The information presented in the drop-down menu is view only and cannot be updated through the Student Profile.
How do I release an advising hold?
When you have completed the advising session for student, you can click on “Holds”
in their Student Profile.
A drop down of holds will appear, where you can select the advising hold.
Click the “check box” and click “release."
Enter the comment for releasing the hold and click “OK." (Entering a comment is optional.
The system does not require a comment to be entered before clicking ‘OK’. If no comment
is entered the default Student note will have “Release Holds for Advisor Hold.")
Once the hold has been released the advisor will see in the Message Center “Successfully
released the holds."
Note: When holds have been released, you cannot reapply them.
Reviewing Holds within Student Advising Profile
A Hold can be put on a student’s account by various departments for different reasons. Some of the most common causes of a hold being placed on a student’s account are:
Advising Holds
Office of Finance Hold
Registrar Office Hold
A hold can limit interactions within BannerWeb-Student. These holds can limit Enrollment Verification, Transcript Requests, Applying for Graduation, Registering for Classes, Reviewing Grades, and Accounts Receivable transactions.
Access the Students Advising Profile
Click on Holds
Review the Holds and interactions that it may impact
Holds will only be able to be removed by the department that placed the hold on the
students account. Once a hold is cleared it will still be visible, but the to date
will be updated.
Additional Links
Additional links have been configured to allow for additional viewing of student information:
Academic Transcript - the new Academic Transcript layout allows you as the advisor
to view unofficial advising transcripts for the selected student.
Student Schedule - the Student Schedule link will redirect you to Banner8 page to
view a concise schedule for the selected student.
View Application to Graduate - the View Application to Graduate will only have populated
data when the student has applied fro graduation. If there is no Graduation Application
you will receive a notification of "No active graduation applications exist."
Week at a Glance - the Week at a Glance link will redirect you to Banner 8 page to
view classes in day and time format for a student. The system is based upon current
time and date and will real time week view.
Registration & Planning - Goes to Banner Student Registration 9.x Student Landing
page. This link has not been configured for Advisors but is a place holder for future
View Grades - the View Grades allows you to see term or all grades the student has
received while enrolled at University of Dallas.
Degree Works
Degree Works is the University’s degree audit (what classes to take) and course planning (when to take these classes) software.
Please reference the Degree Works User Guide for assistance in accessing and utilizing the degree audit and planning software.